Dr. Yam B. Limbu

Dr. Yam B. Limbu
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Dr. Limbu is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Montclair State University. His research interests include pharmaceutical and healthcare marketing, consumer behavior, social marketing, and food, nutrition and consumer health. His publications have appeared or are forthcoming in various journals, including Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Consumer Affairs, International Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Health Communication, and International Journal of Communication. He presented his research at many scholarly and professional conferences and his work has been published in leading conference proceedings such as American Marketing Association (AMA), Advances in Consumer Research (ACR), American Educational Research Association (AERA) and National Communication Association (NCA). Dr. Limbu currently serves as vice president of the Society for Global Business & Economic Development (SGBED). He is a board member of the Business and Applied Sciences Academy of North America (BAASANA). He serves as Editor-in- Chief for the International Journal of Business and Applied Sciences. He also serves on the editorial boards of several academic journals.


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  • Member for 6 years, 6 months, 4 days
  • 2084 profile views
  • Last seen 6 years ago


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