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So far I have published 2 research papers on type 2 diabetes and one of them received a best paper award at a national conference of biotechnology and bioinformatics in 2007. My one paper is related to cardiology. It got published in the JAIM journal which is listed in PubMed. For the first time it was observed that Shilajit which is a complex mineral has a negative chronotropic effect on the heart of Daphnia which is a biomedical organism. One of my papers is on the decaphytogenic decoction recommended by the great ancient Surgeon Sushrit for throat infection on the Paramecium caudatum species. P. caudatum is a protozoan species. We also observed its efficacy on the vaginal tract infections. My one paper is on the colorblindness which is due for publication and soon will get published. I have also presented a paper in the National Codata conference on cDNA sequence analysis of Homo sapiens. Presently I am working on the family history analysis ( population based) of type 2 diabetes and the hypertension.


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