Category: Human anatomy
19 Articles
1 Questions
T.O. Johnbull, G. S. Oladipo and C.I. Ehijiagbon January 26, 2025Human anatomy Anthropology, Ear, forensic science, Ijaws, Morphology, Nigeria, Stature Estimation,
T.O. Johnbull, G.S.Oladipo, O.M. Adheke and G.C. Abuwa July 6, 2024Human anatomy interpedicular distance, lumbar spine, Morphometry, pedicle,
R. Neku, O.F. Ebun and A.A. Stephen April 25, 2024Human anatomy benign prostate hyperplasia, intravesical prostatic protrusion, Post voidal residue, Prostate gland,
I.U. Gwunireama and G.U. Collins April 25, 2024Human anatomy Anthropometry, Digits, Flexor tendons, Vincula longa,
I.U. Gwunireama, O.M. Adheke, G.U. Collins October 16, 2023Human anatomy cadaver, carotid bifurcation, external carotid artery, lateralization, Morphometry, surgeries,
A.S. Alabi, O.F. Haroon and O.O. Fadipe October 9, 2022Human anatomy Cheiloscopy, Maxilla, Medico-legal, Odontometry, Personality identification, sexual dimorphism,
G.S. Oladipo, O.M. Adheke, V.C. Amasiatu, F.O. Ugwunna October 9, 2022Human anatomy articular facets, Biomechanics, calcaneus, Morphometry, Nigerian, talus,
M. Ali, A.Siddique, B. Ahammed, Most. F. Khatun, A. Saw and Md. G. Hossain November 4, 2019Human anatomy Bangladesh, Factors, Low birth weight, Maternal risk factors, Socio economic risk factors,
F. Siddiqua, S. Sultana, M. Nesa, A. Saw, M.G. Hossain and S.H.A. Mahdi November 4, 2019Human anatomy Bangladesh, infertility, Rajshahi City, Socio-demographic factors, Women,
G.S. Gindha, T.P. Singh, V. Kapoor and K.S. Sood October 20, 2018Human anatomy angles of mandible, condyloid process, coronoid process, genial tubercles, lingula, Mandibular foramen, mandibular notch, mental foramen, Temporo-mandibular joint,
S. Sodhi, Z. Singh and J.L. Davessar. April 29, 2018Human anatomy females, measurements, north India population, Ossicles, prosthesis,
G.S.Gindha, N.S. Mir and R. Agarwal January 4, 2017Human anatomy -Temporal fossa, burr hole, Forensic dentologist, haematoma, middle meningeal vessels, suture, temporalis muscle, zygomatic arch, zygomatico-frontal suture,
G.S.Gindha, S. Kaushal, H. Kaur and M. Singh June 19, 2015Human anatomy articulation, calcaneal tuberosity, fibrosis, orthopadecian and traumatologist, plantar aponeurosis, plantar ligament, sustentaculum tali, Tarsal bones, tendo-calcaneus,
G. Meithuanlungpou and Kh. N. Singh February 27, 2015Human anatomy Food habits, Maram, Naga, Nutritional status, taboos,
G.S. Gindha, H. Kaur, S. Kaushal and M. Singh November 3, 2014Human anatomy Calcaneo navicular ligament, Calcaneus talus, Confluence, Facets, Flat foot, High arched foot, Pess vulgaris, Spring ligament, Sulcus calcanei, Sustantaculum tali,
D. K. Adak, A. K. Gharami and P. Bharati April 26, 2014Human anatomy Age at marriage, Fertility, Ladiya, Madhya Pradesh, Marital span,
Gagandeep Singh, Indu Talwar December 12, 2012Human anatomy discriminant function analysis, foramen magnum, Forensic anthropology, sex determination, sexual dimorphism,
S. Kaushal , V.V.G. Patnaik, Paramjeet Kaur November 23, 2012Human anatomy Anthropometric variations, Endogamous groups, Nasal parameters, rhinoplasty, sexual dimorphism,