Author: Dr. S. P. Singh (Editor-in-Chief)

Mixing of early modern humans and Neanderthals

There is a general scientific consensus  that homo sapiens interbred with Neanderthals and that the Eurasians retained 1-2%  of the Neanderthal genes. The East Asians have about 20% more Neanderthal genes than their European brethren which suggests a longer duration of their intermixing with Neanderthals. There are many hypotheses about the extinction of Neanderthals which Read More

How Neanderthals changed their environments

Agriculture first started around 10000 years from now and perhaps that may be the time when humans started clearing the forests for agriculture. But could the clearing of forests and manipulating the environment has happened earlier than the agricultural societies? Authors Roebroeks and colleagues published a paper in Science Advances in December 2021 throwing light Read More

Stone tools and Hominins

Students of anthropology have long been taught that tool-making is a human characteristic. But the social media is now abuzz with videos of monkeys using big stones to crush nuts to obtain their kernels. Jane Goodall’s elaborate research on chimpanzees has shown that they insert small twigs in ant-holes to fish them out. Ewen Callaway wrote an article in Read More

Sexual dimorphism in size

Almost all human population groups show sexual dimorphism in stature where females are significantly shorter than males.  Some exceptions do occur in populations living under stressful conditions where this sexual dimorphism is diminished. Very often the reason given for this situation is the impact of malnutrition which affects the females relatively less than the males Read More

Molecular basis of temperature and pressure sensatiosn in humans decoded

David Julius’s and Ardem Patapoutian’s research on the genetic basis of the sensation of temperature and pressure has won them the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Food eaten at room temperature feels pleasant, however, when heated beyond a certain level, it feels hot and uncomfortable to the tongue and the mouth. When we Read More

Dragon Man

Recently in a paper, Qiang Ji and his colleagues of Hebei GEO University, Shijiazhuang, China, claimed to have discovered a new human species in the form of a Late Middle Pleistocene Harbin cranium. This skull has reverberated the internet with various names as ‘Dragon man’ and ‘Homo longi’. The skull of this specimen was dumped Read More

Harappan people and cattle meat

An interesting fact from Harappan culture about the consumption of cattle, pig and sheep/goat meat has come to light recently in a study conducted by Akshyeta Suryanarayan and her team. Harappan culture vessels provided evidence that ruminant meat, dairy products and fats from plants and animals especially non-ruminants were cooked in them and were the delicacies of these Read More

Debunking racism scientifically

The German American anthropologist Franz Boas (1858-1942), pioneered a school of thought popularly known as cultural history and suggested to study human evolution from bio-cultural perspective. He motivated his students to work and study human behavior of people in their natural habitats by focusing on the material artefacts, implements and cultural processes. He opined that Read More

COVID-19 Pandemic

Corona virus disease (COVID-19) dramatically appeared in a Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019. While treating the patients, the doctors noticed pneumonia-like symptoms which were difficult to treat. Detailed studies of patients have shown them to be infected with a novel corona virus which the WHO has finally named as ‘severe acute respiratory syndrome Read More

New Frontiers in Cancer Cure

The 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded jointly to James P. Allison, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA, Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, San Francisco, CA, USA and Tasuku Honjo of Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. Their landmark discoveries in cancer cure with different but complimentary strategies is likely to immensely Read More

Physical activity levels and child growth

What happens when physical activity levels in a community decrease drastically as a result of big transformation of a traditional agricultural economy to a mechanized society? Scientists at the CUNY Hunter College, New York, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City have come up with a conclusion that sizable increases in mean height, weight, and triceps skin fold thickness Read More

Mother Tongue and Education

Linguists, language experts and child-psychologists believe that children can learn better in their mother tongue but that doesn’t go against multilingual education. It has also been observed that children studying through multilingual system develop better thinking and skills than monolingual education systems. Parents and peer all can help the child understand the issues if it Read More

Urban Rural divide in Healthcare

Recent report of United Nations International Labour Organization (ILO) indicated a large global rural population of 56 per cent having no access to critical healthcare. The disparity in healthcare widens when rural household conditions are coupled with poverty. Such instances abound in Africa where up to 83 per cent of the people don’t have these Read More

Monitoring Millennium Development Goals

Setting the tone of development, the United Nations held a Millennium Summit during September, 6-8, 2000 at United Nations Headquarters in New York. Making it a grand success was the participation of 149 Heads of State and Government besides high-ranking officials from 40 other countries. The leaders of various nations agreed for a global partnership Read More

Climate change report 2014: A serious threat to humanity

Recently released report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has documented a vast number of studies and data to highlight the various health risks the people around the globe are likely to face because of the changes in climate. According to the findings of various studies, the human activities play an Read More

Universal Health Coverage

The Globalization and Liberalization have brought about tremendous changes in the overall development scenario, consumption patterns and distribution of wealth throughout the world. While the rich are getting richer the poor have no hope of improving their lot. Health care delivery systems in many countries have become privatized. People have to spend a lot of Read More

17th World Congress of IUAES 2013

The 17th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences IUAES 2013) will be hosted by the University of Manchester, Manchester (UK) on August 5th-August 10th, 2013. The IUAES congress is held after every four years. The theme of the presentCongress is “Evolving Humanity, Emerging Worlds”.The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Read More

2013 – United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation

The year 2013 has been declared by the United Nations as ‘International Year of Water Cooperation’ and March 22, 2013 would be celebrated as ‘World Water Day’. Water has been treated with great respect and piousness in many cultures of the world and therefore its conservation has been made the duty of each and every Read More

The ‘promoter’ and the ‘enhancer’ sequences in the Human Genome and ENCODE

The field of Human Biology has taken giant strides during the last decade with the mammoth efforts of unraveling the mysteries of the sequencing of the Human Genome. About 20000 genes and three billion letters (bases) have been identified which are responsible for the way we look and are built and the way we function Read More

Human Evolutionary Tree – The Mystery of the Bark

Last century has witnessed huge modifications in the diet of modern humans. Advances in Nutritional sciences and the expansion of food industry have made our foods more nutritious, palatable and tasty. The hunter gatherers of tropical forests, however, consume a very large variety of plant foods compared to that of the modern urban dwellers. To Read More

Anthropological Diversity

Anthropological Diversity Biological diversity is responsible for opening new vistas for evolutionary processes among living beings. Exploration of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in the Human Genomes of different ethnic groups and individuals is paving the way to understanding the complexity of different human diseases as well as specific traits. Recently a group of human geneticists Read More

International Year of Sustainable Energy – 2012

Let me appreciate the efforts of the editorial board of the journal which worked extremely hard to live up to the expectations of the anthropology community by bringing out the very first issue of HUMAN BIOLOGY REVIEW during January 2012 as promised. The year 2012 has been designated as the International Year of Sustainable Energy Read More