3. Original Scientific Paper

The aim of the present cross-sectional study was to assess the nutritional status of the adult Nepali women of Darjeeling and to determine the factors associated with their nutritional status. Total sample size was 300 with an age range from 19-59 years living in the tea estate area of Darjeeling. Along with the socio-economic and demographic information three anthropometric measurements were taken (Height, weight and MUAC). The mean age, height, weight, BMI, and MUAC were 42.45±11.05 years, 153.96±8.17 cm, 53.03±10.97 kg, 22.39±4.39 kg/m2, and 25.74±2.89 cm respectively. The overall prevalence of underweight and overnutrition based on BMI cut off were 21.33% and 28% respectively, whereas, the % of undernutrition based on MUAC was 4.3%. It has also been found that the percentage prevalence of underweight was highest among the older age category and those who were either illiterate or can sign. Chi-square also reported age and education level (<0.05) as the significant determinants of underweight among the studied women. On the other hand, MUAC based undernutrition was found to be associated with marital status and education level (<0.05). In case of overnutrition, the significant contributors were number of children, family type, house type and tobacco-use (<0.05). From the findings of present study it is concluded that based on BMI cut off the nutritional status (in respect of underweight and overnutrition) of the present population is alarming in comparison to the MUAC based nutritional status. Proper nutritional intervention strategies and awareness will be helpful to fight with this condition.

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