2. Original Scientific Paper

The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive understanding of sexual dimorphism in adults in Okun ethnic group in Kogi state. The study employed a mixed-methods approach, combining both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis methods. A sample of 400 adults aged between 18-65 were randomly selected from Okun ethnic group in Kogi state with equal numbers of males and females. Facial anthropometry was used to measure various facial features such as facial height(FH) and width(FW), nasal height(NH) and width(NW), diagonal length of mandible, facial index while Odontometry was used to measure the maxillary Inter-canine width, Left and Right mesiodistal width of canine, first Inter-premolar width and the Mandibular Inter- canine width, Left and Right mesiodistal width of canine, first Inter-premolar width. The parameters above were measured using digital sliding vernier caliper. Facial index was calculated from the parameters of the facial height and facial width and the results were statistically analyzed. The result of the study showed that the predominant facial type was the Eury-prosopic type with a significant variation to sexual dimorphism. The Facial height, Facial width, Nasal height, Nasal width, Maxillary inter-premolar width, Maxillary inter-canine width, Mandibular inter-canine width showed no association with sex and hence, can’t be used in determination of the sex of an individual. Only the Diagonal length of mandible, Maxillary left canine mesiodistal width, Maxillary right canine mesiodistal width, Mandibular left canine mesiodistal width, Mandibular right canine mesiodistal width and the Mandibular inter-premolar width were associated with sex. Hence, the Maxillary and Mandibular canines, the Diagonal length of the mandible and the Mandibular inter-premolar width hold potential as a supplementary tool in personality identification of crime suspects in unknown identity.

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