Dr. S. P. Singh (Editor-in-Chief)

Dr. S. P. Singh (Editor-in-Chief)
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Brief info Particulars/Events Number Research papers published 127 Books (authored and edited) 10 Edited special volumes of journals and member editorial board 8 Ph.D.’s guided and under guidance, respectively 20, 2 Research projects undertaken 4 Organised national conferences and refresher courses 8 Research and teaching experience in years 35 Chaired sessions at international conferences 6 Presented papers in international and national conferences 40 Membership of academic and professional associations/ bodies 7 Educational films: scripts written and directed for UGC 7 Expertise • Extensive experience in research designing, project writing and executing population surveys in the remotest areas and on tribal and disadvantaged groups to gather information crucial to health planners. • Expertise in anthropometric measurements, health and demographic variables and using them in epidemiological problems concerning human health, obesity, malnutrition, children’s growth performance and adaptive responses of populations to various ecological zones. • Technical proficiency also available in evaluating skeletal maturity of children on the basis of Tanner-Whitehouse (TW2) method with implications in child growth. • Teaching human biology to post graduate classes (28 years) and specialization in Child growth and development. • Editor-in-Chief: Human Biology Review (ISSN 2277 –4424) www.HumanBiologyJournal.com www.HumanBiologyReview.com Administrative Experience Additional Dean (Research), Punjabi Univ Patiala, from July 2010 to June 2011 Dean, Faculty of Life Sciences, Punjabi Univ Patiala, from July 2010 to June 2011 Head, Human Biology Dept, Punjabi University, Patiala, from 2000 to 2003. Member Academic Council, PUP Member Senate, PUP Chairman, BOS in Home Science Chairman, BOS in Dress Designing and Tailoring Medals/ Fellowships: Gold Medal for standing First in the University in M.Sc. Human Biology (1973). Junior Research Fellow of UGC from June 1974 to March 1978 Senior Research Fellow of Home Ministry (Tribal Development), from April 1978 to June1980 Post Doctoral Fellow of CSIR, from July 1980 to December 1980 APPENDIX – 1. Books Authored and edited 1. P. Bharati, S.P. Singh, J. Kaur and D.K. Adak. 2015. Health, Nutrition and Physical Growth in Developing Nations. Mittal Publications, New Delhi. ISBN 8183245463. 2. S.P.Singh. 2013. Bachian da Sarirak Vikas (In Punjabi), Punjabi University Publication Bureau, Patiala. ISBN 8130201856 3. S.P. Singh and Promila Mehta 2009 Human Body Measurements: Concepts and Applications. Prentice Hall of India Ltd. New Delhi. ISBN 8120338634. 4. S.P. Singh and Rajan Gaur. 2007. Human Body Composition. Kamla-Raj Enterprises, Delhi. ISBN.8185264430. 5. Praveen Singhal (editor), S.P. Singh (co-editor), L.S. Sidhu, D.P. Bhatnagar, H. Kaur, S.M.S. Chahal, Pushpa Singal, Promila Malhotra & Satbir Kaur. 2000. Advances in Human Biology at the turn of the Millennium. Punjabi University Publication Bureau, Patiala. ISBN.8173806276. 6. Singh, S.P. 2000. Manukhi sarirk bantar ate minti diyan parmanik vidhian (Punjabi translation of the book entitled Kinanthropometry by S.P. Singh & Promila Malhotra). Punjabi University Publication Bureau, Patiala. 7. L.S.Sidhu & S.P. Singh. 1996. Human Biology: Global Developments (editors). USG Publishers & Distributors, Ludhiana. 8. S.P. Singh, L.S.Sidhu, J. Singh. 1992. Skeletal Maturity. Human Biology Publication Society, Patiala. ISBN 81-00293-0-4. pp 221. 9. S.P. Singh & P. Malhotra. 1989. Kinanthropometry: Human size, shape, proportion, composition, maturation and gross function. Lunar Publications, Patiala, India, pp 121. 10. I.J.S. Bansal, L.S. Sidhu, L.Singh, D.P. Bhatnagar, Praveen Singhal, S.M.S. Chahal, H.Kaur, S.P.Singh, Pushpa Singal, S.Kaur (editors). 1989. New Horizons in Human Biology. Today & Tommorrow Publishers, New Delhi. APPENDIX – 2 Research papers Published 1. S.P. Singh. 2015. Factors affecting low birth weight among newborns of Punjab. In 'Health, Nutrition and Physical Growth in Developing Nations', P. Bharati, S.P. Singh, J. Kaur and D.K. Adak (Eds.), Mittal Publications, New Delhi, pp 93-102. 2. AjitPal Singh , S.P.Singh, Jeewanjot Sekhon. 2015. Body Morphology and Occupation: An Anthropometric determination of Tailors. SMU Medical Journal, 2 (2), 134-146. 3. Gurbinder Singh and S.P. Singh. 2013. Pesticide pollution and child growth. The Asian Man, 7(1&2), 83-90. 4. Gurjeet Kaur, S. P. Singh and Ajit Pal Singh. 2013. Risk of Developing Cardiovascular and Coronary Heart Diseases: An Anthropometric Analysis of Rural Women of Punjab. Hum. Bio. Rev., 2 (1), 56-65. 5. Ajitpal Singh, S.P.Singh and Jeewanjot Sekhon. 2013. Occupational Impact on Body Physique and Health Status: An Anthropometric Analysis of Carpenters . Hum. Bio. Rev. 2 (1), 12-23. 6. AjitPal Singh, S.P.Singh and Jeevanjot Sekhon. 2012. Impact of work performance on body proportions in Blacksmiths: A somatometric analysis. Hum Bio Rev, 1(2), 138-150. 7. Ginjinder Kaur and S.P. Singh. 2011. Effect of institutionalization on intelligence among adolescents. Indian Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education, 2011, 20(1&2): 13-24. 8. Ginjinder Kaur Lamba and S.P. Singh 2010. Menarcheal status and institutionalization. Ind. J. Sports Sc. Phys. Educ., 19, 65-76. 9. S.P.Singh. 2010. High altitude adaptation: A Review. In 'Anthropology Today: Trends and scope of Human Biology', M.K. Bhasin and Charles Susanne (Eds.). Kamla-Raj Enterprises, Delhi, pp. 51-58. 10. Darshan Kumar and S.P. Singh. 2010. Growth performance of 4 to 9 year old boys of Patiala. Ind. J. Sports Sc. Phys. Educ., 19, 29-37. 11. Ginjinder Kaur Lamba and S.P. Singh 2009. Impact of institutionalization on somatotype among adolescents. J. Life Sciences, 1, 15-19. 12. Singh, A.P. and S.P. Singh. 2009. Comparative analysis of systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), pulse rate (PR) and maximum expiratory pressure (MEP) in some traditional occupational groups. Ind. J. Multidiscplinary Res., 5, 13-16. 13. G. Kaur & S.P. Singh. 2009. Somatotypic Variations With Age in Institutionalized and Control Adolescents. The Internet Journal of Biological Anthropology. 2009 Volume 3 Number 1(Online publication). 14. G. Kaur & S.P. Singh. 2009. Impact of Emotional Deprivation on growth of circumferences in adolescents. Folia Anthropologica , 8 (3), 35-40. 15. Navdeep Kaur, R. Mokha and S.P. Singh. 2009. Comparative study of age changes in somatotyping of pre and post menarcheal girls. Ind. J. Sport Sc. Phys. Educ., 18, 9-19. 16. Jaspreet Kaur, Promila Mehta and S.P. Singh. 2009. Prevalence of overweight and obesity in girls studying in private and government schools of Ludhiana (Punjab). Ind. J. Sport Sc. Phys. Educ., 18,53-64. 17. Singh, J., G.kaur, S.P. Singh and L. S. Sidhu. 2008. A study of body diamters of sports and non sports boys aged 11 through 19 years. Ind. J. Sports Sc. Phys. Educ., 17, 51-58. 18. Molly J. Thomas and S. P. Singh. 2007. Age changes in cranio facial angles investigated by magnetic resonance imaging. Folia Anthropologica, 6 (3), 19-28 19. S.P. Singh. 2007. Somatotype and disease – A Review. In: Anthropology Today – Trends, Scope and Applications. Veena Bhasin and M.K. Bhasin (Eds.). Kamla-Raj Enterprises, Delhi. Pp. 251-261. 20. Dolly Monisha, S.P. Singh, A.K. Bhalla. 2007. Dynamics of body fat and circumferences in Post Menopausal Women of Chandigarh, India. In ‘Human Body Composition’. S.P. Singh and Rajan Gaur (Eds.), pp. 101-108. Kamla-Raj Enterprises, Delhi. 21. S.P. Singh, Pritpal Singh, Promila Malhotra & L.S. Sidhu. 2007. Somatotypes of High Altitude Spitian Boys. J. Hum. Ecol., 22: 129-133. 22. A.P. Singh, S.P. Singh and Paramjeet Kaur. 2007. Trends in Skeletal Diameters: An Influence of Habitual Physical activity. Ind. J. Multidisc. Res., 3, 153-158. 23. A.P. Singh and S.P. Singh. 2007. Bilateral Variations in Adipose Tissue Distribution, Segmental Lengths and Body Breadths in Relation to Physical Activity Status. The Anthropologist, 9, 251-254. 24. A.P.Singh and S.P.Singh. 2007. Impact of Habitual Physical Activity on the Human Body Proportions: A Comparative Study of Some Traditional Occupational Groups. J. Hum. Ecol., 22: 271-275. 25. S.P. Singh, P. Malhotra, L.S. Sidhu and Prit Pal Singh. 2007. Proportional growth assessment of Spitian boys of the Himalayas. J. Hum. Ecol., 22: 47-51. 26. P. Mehta, S. Dhawan and S.P. Singh.2007. Physical growth in Punjabi girls in Government and Public schools in Punjab. J. Sports Sc. Physiotherapy, 3, 73-78.. 27. Sukhdeep Singh and S.P. Singh. 2007. Physical growth of deaf mute boys of Punjab. J. Sports Sc. Physiotherapy, 3, 65-72. 28. S.P. Singh, P. Malhotra, L.S. Sidhu and Prit Pal Singh. 2007. Nutritional Assessment of Boys of the Spitian Tribe of the Himalayas. J. Hum. Ecol., 21, 279-284. 29. S.P. Singh, P. Malhotra, L.S. Sidhu and Prit Pal Singh. 2007. Skeletal Frame size of Spitian children. J. Hum. Ecol., 21, 227-230. 30. Molly J. Thomas and S. P. Singh. 2006. Craniometry by Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Ind. J. Multi. Res., 2, 161-170. 31. Promila Malhotra, Prit Pal Singh, S.P. Singh and L.S. Sidhu • 2006. Physical Growth of High Altitude Spitian Boys. J. Hum. Ecol., 20 (2), 147 – 151. 32. Ajit P. Singh and S.P. Singh. 2006. Occupational changes in body composition and risk of developing CVDs and CHDs in adult men of Punjab, India. Ind. J.Multidisc. Res., 2, 3-10. 33. Ajit Pal Singh and S. P. Singh (2006) Somatotypic Variations: An Analysis of Some Traditional Occupations. J. HUM. ECOL., 19, 249-251. 34. Ginjinder Kaur and S. P. Singh (2005) Emotional deprivation and physical growth among adolescents of North West India. Ind. J. Phys. Anthrop. Hum. Genet., 24 (2), 187-197. 35. Ginjinder Kaur, Harmander Singh Kang, Pushpa Singal and S.P. Singh (2005) Nutritional Status: Anthropometric Perspective of Pre-School Children. The Anthropologist, 7, 99-103. 36. H.S. Kang, Ginjinder Kaur, P. Singal and S.P. Singh. 2005. Nutritional status of Punjabi children: mid-upper arm circumference-for-age and BMI-for-age as screening indicators. In ‘Auxology’, G.A. Toth (Ed.), pp.73-78, Savaria University Press, Szombathely. 37. Ajit Pal Singh, Pushpa Singal and S.P. Singh (2005) Arm Muscle and Fat Components in Adolescent Boys of Punjab, The Anthropologist, 7, 161-163. 38. Rupinder Bansal and S.P. Singh. 2004. Structural and functional characteristics of young and old group Punjabi females. J. Pb. Acad. Sci., 1, 53-56. 39. Ajit Pal Singh, Pushpa Singal, Rupinder Kaur and S.P. Singh (2003) Assessment of Malnutrition in Punjabi Urban Males According to Body Mass Index (BMI) and Weight for Height Criteria. The Anthropologist, 5, 189-191. 40. Ajit Pal Singh, Pushpa Singal and S.P. Singh (2003). Evaluation of physical growth performance of Punajbi boys. In: Understanding People of India: Anthropological Insight. Eds. A.K. Kalla and D.K. Bhattacharya. Delhi University, Delhi, pp. 68-71. 41. Ginjinder Kaur and S. P. Singh (2003). Growth and Malnutrition in 1 – 5 year old Punjabi boys. . In: Understanding People of India: Anthropological Insight. Eds. A.K. Kalla and D.K. Bhattacharya. Delhi University, Delhi, pp. 72-77. 42. Rupinder Kaur and S.P. Singh (2003). Growth and malnutrition in Punjabi females from 1 to 5 years. In: Understanding People of India: Anthropological Insight. Eds. A.K. Kalla and D.K. Bhattacharya. Delhi University, Delhi, pp. 78-82. 43. Baljit Kaur, S.P.Singh & Rupinder Kaur. 2002 Physiological variation between two populations of Punjab. J. Hum. Ecol., 13(4), 321-322. 44. Singh, S.P. 2002. Anthropometric perspective on nutritional status. In “Anthropology: Trends and Applications”, eds., M.K. Bhasin, S.L. Malik. Anthropologist special issue, 1, 73-82. 45. S.P.Singh.2002. Anthropometric Perspective on Body Composition. In ‘Human Growth and Development’, Eds., R.N. Vasishat, B.G. Banerjee, R.K. Pathak, I. Talwar and R. Gaur. Department of Anthropology, Panjab University, Chandigarh, 36-54. 46. S.P.Singh & Promila Mehta. 2002. Physiological responses to exercise and recovery in national cyclists. Ind. J. Sport Sc. Phys. Educ., 11 (1&2), 29-37(1999). 47. Baljit Kaur, S.P.Singh & Rupinder Kaur. 2001. Structural profile and fat patterning between two endogamous groups of Punjabi females. The Anthropologist, 3 (3), 247-250. 48. Baljit Kaur, Surinder Kaur, S.P.Singh, L.S. Sidhu & Rupinder Kaur. 2001. Secular trends in somatotypes among female university players. The Anthropologist, 3(4), 257-260. 49. Singh, S.P. 2000. Anthropometric somatotypes in Gaddi boys. Human Growth - a multidisciplinary approach, Eds. D.P.Bhatnagar et al. 80-86. 50. Monisha, Dolly, S.P. Singh and P. Mehta 2000. Height, weight and BMI among Punjabi males. Anthropologist, 2 (4) : 233-235. 51. Kaur, I., P. Mehta & S.P.Singh. 2000. Relationship between female foeticide and sex ratio. Anthropologist, 2(4), 221-224. 52. Kaur, Rupinder & S.P. Singh. 2000. Body mass index in young and old Punjabi females. J. Hum. Eco. 11(5), 347-350. 53. Nirlep Kaur & S.P. Singh, 2000, Motor abilities as predictor of performance in volleyball players. Advances in Human Biology at the turn of the Millennium, pp 38-42, Punjabi University Publication Bureau, Patiala. 54. P.P.S. Sandhu, L.S. Sidhu and S.P. Singh2000. Senescence trends in Kumaon and Punjabi males. Advances in Human Biology at the turn of the Millennium, pp, 120-127 Punjabi University Publication Bureau, Patiala 55. Singh, S.P. and Surinder pal Singh, 2000. Inter-generational variation in body morphology and somatotype in Labana Sikhs. Man Environment relationship. M.K. Bhasin & Veena Bhasin (eds.), Kamla-Raj Enterprises, Delhi. 193-200. 56. Singh, J., L.S.Sidhu, S.P., Singh and G. Kaur. 2000. A study of discriminant androgyny score 1 and somatotype components of sports and non-sports boys. Anthropology at the Turn of the Century, Pp. 154-158. Eds. R.N.Vasishat et al. Published by Dept.of Anthropology, Panjab University, Chandigarh. 57. S.P. Singh, 2000. Maturity gradients in Rajput boys. Advances in Human Biology at the turn of the Millennium. Eds. Praveen Singhal & S.P. Singh, pp, 111-119 Punjabi University Publication Bureau, Patiala. 58. Kaur, Rupinder, S.P. Singh. 1999. Secular shift in age at menarche in Patiala women. The Anthropologist, 1(3), 183-188. 59. Singh, Monica, S.P. Singh, Harsurinder Kaur, Puneet Pal Singh.1999. A study of some morphological and serological parameters in twins. Anthropologist, 1, 261-264 60. S.P. Singh, Puneet Pal Singh & Ranju Bala, 1998. Menarcheal status and physical structure of Punjabi girls. J. Hum. Ecol., 9, 47-52. 61. S.P. Singh, R. Bala 1997. Cognitive and physical development of preschool girls. J. Hum. Ecol., 8, 61-67. 62. P.P. Singh & S.P. Singh. 1997. Age of eruption of primary teeth in Khatri boys and girls of Punjab. J. Ind. Anthrop. Soc., 30, 273-277. 63. S.P. Singh, L.S. Sidhu & P. Malhotra. 1997. Physical growth and development of children of Punjab. Anthrop. Kozl., 30, 125-129. 64. S.P. Singh, L.S.Sidhu, J. Singh 1996. Skeletal maturity of sports and non sports boys. In Human Biology-Global developments, eds L.S. Sidhu and S.P. Singh, pp. 169-181. USG Publishers, Ludhiana 65. L. S. Sidhu, J. Singh, S.P. Singh, G. Kaur. 1996. Morphological characteristics of sports boys ranging in age from 11 to 19 years. Ind. J. Sports Sc. Phys. Educ. 8, 37-49. 66. Singh, S.P. 1995. Growth and maturation in the Himalayas. In Biology of Highlanders, eds A.K.Kapoor, Satwanti Kapoor, Vinod Publishers, Jammu. 67. Singh, J., L.S.Sidhu, S.P.Singh & G. Kaur. 1995. Somatotypes of Indian male national cyclists. Ind. J. Sports Sc. Phys. Educ., 7, 33-39. 68. L.S.Sidhu, S.S. Dhaliwal, S.P. Singh, 1994. Age changes in growth and physical performance. Auxology 25, 187-193. 1992 69. Singh, J., Sidhu, L.S., Singh, S.P., Kaur, G. 1992. Carpal bone age as assessed by TW2 method in Punjabi sports boys. Ind. J. Sports Sc. Phys. Educ., 4, 79-83. 70. Singh, L.P., Singh, S.P. 1991. Physical growth and anthropometric somatotypes of Rajput and Brahmin boys of Chamba District, Himachal Pradesh. J. Hum. Ecol., 2, 121-126. 71. Singh, S.,P. Malhotra, P. 1991. Physical growth and development in the western Himalayas. In “”New Horizons of Human Biology” Eds. I.J.S. Bansal et al. Today and Tommorrow’s Printers, New Delhi, pp 347-359. 72. Singh, S.P., Malhotra, P. 1991. Effect of social class and urbanisation on physical growth of Patiala children. In “New Horizons in Human Biology” Eds. I.J.S. Bansal et al. Today & Tommorrow’s Printers, New Delhi, pp 337-346. 73. Singh, S.P. 1991. Kinanthropometry. In “Application of Anthropology” Eds.S. Nath & A. Mahajan. Reliance Publishing House, New Delhi. pp 153-200. 74. Sidhu, L.S., Singh, J., Singh, S.P. 1990. Physique and body composition of different categories of runners. Origins of Kinanthropometry.pp.95-102. 75. Singh, S.P., Malhotra, P. 1990. Physical growth of early and late maturing Gaddi boys of the western Himalayas. J. Ind. Anthrop. Soc., 25, 141-146. 76. Malhotra, P., Sidhu, L.S., Singh, S.P. 1990. Importance of serum acid and alkaline phosphatase in diagnosis and prognosis of cancer. J. Ind. Anthrop. Soc., 25, 60-67. 77. Singh, S.P., Malhotra, P. 1989. Photoscopic somatotypes of selected Olympic athletes by Sheldon and Heath-Carter methods. Research Biannual, 8, 29-35. 78. Singh, S.P. 1989. Adult anthropometry, child growth and development in the western Himalayas. A review. In “Human Biology of Asian Highland populations in the Global context”. Eds. A. Basu and R. Gupta, pp 81-104. 79. Malhotra, P. Sidhu, L.S., Singh, S.P. and Malhotra, I. 1989. Serm phosphohexose isomerase in cancer. In ‘Proceedings of National Meeting of young scientists and research fellows on the impact of sciences no human welfare’ held at Patiala from Jan 17 to 19, 1989, Accurasia Press, Patiala, pp 43-51. 80. Malhotra, P., Sidhu, L.S., Singh, S.P. and Malhotra, I. 1989. Estimation of serum transaminases in malignant patients. In ‘Proceedings of national meeting of young scientists and research fellows on the impact of sciences on human welfare’ held at Patiala from Jan 17 to 19, 1989 , Accurasia Press, pp32-42. 81. Verma, S.K., Sidhu, L.S., Malhotra, P., Singh, S.P., Badhbar, D.P. 1988. A study of morpho-physiological characters in different weight categories in Indian weightlifters. Annali, 7, 27-39. 82. Sodhi, H.S., Kumar, R., Singh, S.P., Bhatnagar, D.P., Mokha, R. 1988. Modern perspectives of kinanthropometry. Eds. A.K.Bhattacharyya, A.K.Banerjee, Agyajit Singh. IASSPE. Patiala. pp 107-120. 83. Singh, S.P., Sidhu, L.S.,Malhotra, P. 1988. Body measurements and somatotypes of young adult Jat Sikh men of Punjab, India. Anthrop. Anz. 46, 261-267. 84. Singh, S.P., Malhotra, P. 1988. Secular shift in menarcheal age of Patiala (India) schoolgirls between 1974 and 1986. Ann. Hum. Biol. 15, 77-80. 85. Malhotra, P. , Sidhu, L.S., Singh, S.P. 1988. Body fat and serum phospholipids in neoplastic disorders. J. Ind. Anthrop. Soc., 23, 242-249. 86. Sidhu, L.S., Malhotra, P., Singh, S.P. 1988. ABO and Rh blood groups in diabetes mellitus. Anthrop. Anz., 46, 269-275. 87. Malhotra, P., Sidhu, L.S., Singh, S.P. 1988. Total serum cholesterol in patients with malignant tumours. J. Ind. Anthrop. Soc., 23, 169-175. 88. Malhotra, P., Singh, S.P. 1988. Sexual maturation and physical growth of Patiala girls. .J. Ind. Anthrop. Soc., 23, 63-68. 89. Mandira, A., Singh, S.P. 1988. Sexual maturation characteristics in Khatri girls of Patiala,India. Acta Med. Auxol., 20, 125-132. 90. Singh, S.P., Malhotra, P. 1988. Physiological and morphological differences among different categories of Indian National Cyclists. Hung. Rev. Sports Med., 123-130. 91. Singh, S.P., Malhotra, P. 1987. Morphology, body composition and somatotype of Indian national cyclists. Annali, 2, 211-216. 92. Singh, S.P., Sidhu, L.S., Malhotra, P. 1987. Somatotypes of some categories of sportsmen. Sports Sciences-Health, Fitness and Performance pp 55-65. 93. Singh, S.P., Malhotra, P. 1987 Menarcheal age of Patiala (India) girls. Acta Medica Auxolo., 19, 59-65. 94. Singh, S.P., Singh, J., Malhotra, P., Kaur, J. 1987 .Morphological profile of female Giddha dancers of Patiala, India. Annali, 2, 225-232. 95. Malhotra, P.,Sidhu, L.S., Singh, S.P. 1987. Age at menarche and menopause in cancer patients. J. Ind. Anthrop. Soc. 22, 47-51. 96. Singh, S.P., Sidhu, L.S., Malhotra, P. 1987. Growth performance of Punjabi children aged 6 to 12 years. Ann. Hum. Biol., 14, 169-179 97. Singh, S.P., Sidhu, L.S., Malhotra, P., Dhaliwal, A.1987. The physique of various types of throwers - applications of new approaches in somatotyping.NIS Scientific J. 10, 47-54. 98. Singh, S.P., Sidhu, L.S. 1987. Subcutaneous tissue growth in boys of Gaddi tribe, Himachal Pradesh, India. Anthrop. Anz. 45, 165-173. 99. Kansal, D. K., Verma, S.K., Sidhu, L.S.,Malhora, P., Singh, S.P., Bhanot, J.L., Singh, J. 1987. A kinanthropometric study of university volleyball and football players. Research biannual, 6, 28-38. 100. Singh, S.P. 1987. Variations in adult anthropometry, child growth and development in the western Himalayas -A review. J. Ind. Anthrop. Soc., 22, 181-204. 101. Malhotra, P., Sidhu, L.S., Singh, S.P. 1987. Association of finger ball dermatoglyphics with diabetes mellitus. Dermatoglyphics 15(1 & 2), 24-30. 102. Singh, S.P., Sidhu, L.S., Malhotra, P.1986. Body morphology of high altitude Spitians of north west Himalayas. Z Morphol. Anthrop. 76, 189-195. 103. Singh, S.P., Malhotra, P. 1986. A comparison of Sheldon and Heath-Carter somatotype methods from a sample of Olympic athletes. SNIPES, 9, 24-30. 104. Singh, S.P., Malhotra, P. 1986. Female Indian national cyclists. A kinanthropometric view. SNIPES. 9,7-13. 105. Malhotra,P.,Sidhu, L.S., Singh, S.P. 1986.Serum lactate dehydrogenase level in various malignancies. Neoplasia,33, 641-647. 106. Singh, S.P., Malhotra, P. 1986. Female indian national cyclists. In “Modern perspectives in physical education and Sports Sciences. pp 87-92. 107. Malhotra, P., Sidhu, L.S., Singh, S.P. 1986. Clinical significance of serum protein bound fucose in patients with malignant tumours. In “Chemical carcinogenesis and mutagenesis” Eds. O.S. Reddi, P.P. Reddy, pp 82-87 108. Singh, S P., Sidhu, L.S., Malhotra, P.1985. Age changes in arterial blood pressure and pulse rate in Gaddi boys,Himalayas.Z. Morphol. Anthrop. 76, 91-94. 109. Singh, S.P., Sidhu, L.S., Malhotra, P. 1985.Auxology of Gaddis. A mathematical summation. Biologica, 1, 102-107. 110. Sidhu, L.S.,Malhotra, P, Singh, S.P.1985. Palmar dermatoglyphics and palmar flexion creases in the patients of diabetes mellitus. Bionature, 5, 91-96. 111. Singh, S.P., Garg, R.K. 1985, Palmar dermatoglyphics of the Spitian of north west Himalayas. Dermatoglyphics., 13,10-14. 112. Malhotra, P., Sidhu , L.S., Singh, S.P. 1985. Palmar dermatoglyphic features and diabetes mellitus among females. Dermatoglyphics.13,54-61. 113. Singh,S.P.,Sidhu,L.S. 1982. Physique and morphology of Jat Sikh cyclists of Punjab. J.Sports Med.Phys. Fitn.,22,185-190. 114. Singh,S.P.,Sidhu,L.S. 1981.Pubertal development of Gaddi Rajput boys in the Himalayas. Z.Morphol.Anthrop.,72,89-98. 115. Singh,S.P.,Sidhu,L.s.1981. Physical growth of Gaddi Rajput boys of Dhaula dhar Range of the Himalayas.II.Extremities.Z.Morphol.Anthrop.,72,113-126. 116. Singh,S.P.1981. Body morphology and anthropometric somatotypes of Rajput and Brahmin Gaddis of Dhaula Dhar Range of the Himalayas. Z. Morphol. Anthrop., 72, 315-323. 117. Singh,S.P.1980.Eruption of permanent teeth in Gaddi boys of Dhaula Dhar Range of the Himalayas.Z.Morphol.Anthrop.,70,295-301. 118. Singh,S.P.1980. Physical growth of Gaddi Rajputs of Dhaula Dhar Range of the Himalayas.Z.Morphol.Anthrop.,71,65-81. 119. Singh,S.P.1980. Growth patterns children of Tibetan origin living at moderate altitudes, india. Z. Morphol. Anthrop.,71, 187-195. 120. Singh,S.P.,Sidhu,L.S.1980. Changes in somatotypes during 4 to 20 years in Gaddi Rajput boys. Z.morphol.Anthrop.71,285-293. 121. Singh,S.P.,Sidhu,L.S.1980. Nutrient intakes in Gaddi Rajput boys of Dhaula Dhar Range of the Himalayas. Ind.J.Paediat.,47,207-212 122. Singh,S.P.1979.Weight height grid for the evaluation of harmonious growth in Gaddi boys. Ind.J.Paediat.46,303-307. 123. Singh,S.P.,Sidhu,L.S. 1979.Physical growth of prepubertal Punjabi girls.Ind.J.Paediat.46,346-352. 124. Singh,S.P.,Sodhi,H.S.1979. Order of birth and growth in height and weight of Punjabi girls from 6 to 12 years.Ind.J.Paediat.46,339-345. 125. Sidhu,L.S.,Singh,S.P. 1975. A study of somatotype distribution of sportsmen specializing in different events.Sports Med.,4,13-19. 126. Sidhu,L.S.,Singh,S.P.1974. Anthropometric variations in throwers and football players. Proc. Iv. Ann. Conf. Ind.Assoc.Sports Med.pp.55-62. 127. Sidhu,L.S.,Kansal,D.K.,Singh,S.P. 1973. Some morphological measures in hockey and basketball players studied in relation to control group.NIS Journal 7,42-48. Appendix 3. Ph.D. students guided/under guidance (Details) S.No. Name of the student Title of Thesis Year of completion 1 Jaswinder Singh Determination of age from physiological maturity with special reference to age based competitions in sports boys 1992 2. Abha Mandira Physical growth and sexual maturation of Khatri boys and girls of semi-urban areas of Punjab aged 6 to 19 years 1993 3. Sarita Thakur The effect of senescence on morphological characteristics of Punjabi females 1994 4. Amrit Pal Kaur Physical growth and sexual maturation of Jat Sikh girls of low and middle socio-economic classes of Faridkot District 1995 5. Ranbir Parmar Growth patterns and body composition of Brahmins and Rajputs of Garhwal Himalayas. 1995 6. Zora Singh Developmental age in Jat Sikh boys from 5 to 20 with special reference to skeletal, sexual and dental maturity. 1999 7 Nirlep Kaur Motor abilities as a predictor of performance in secondary school female volleyball players 2000 8. Prit Pal Singh Physical growth of Spitian children with special reference to altitudinal and nutritional stress 2000 9. Rupinder Kaur Morphological characteristics and nutrition as determinants of pregnancy outcome in privileged and underprivileged prospective mothers – A longitudinal study 2004 10. Kamaljit Kaur Evaluation of physique and body composition of budding athletes in some selected sports. 2004 11. Dolly Manisha A study of fat patterning in post menopausal women representing two different socio-economic strata of Chandigarh 2005 12. Ajit Pal Singh Somatotype and proportionality profiles of adult males of some traditional occupational groups of Punjab. 2005 13. Gulshan Veer Kaur A comparative study of physique, body composition and ageing in women engaged in nursing and clerical professions. 2006 14. Ginjinder Kaur Effect of emotional deprivation on physical development and intelligence during adolescence 2006 15 Rupinder Kaur Somatotype and Physical fitness of employees of Railway workshops 2008 16 Molly J. Thomas Evaluation of cranio facial architecture from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in North West India 2009 17 Gurbinder Singh Physical growth and development of boys: A case study of Jajjal area of Bathinda stalked by deaths due to pollution. 2010 18 Santosh Sharma Growth performance and feeding practices in slum children of 0-5 years of Patiala city 2010 19 Jaspreet Kaur Physical growth performance and obesity prevalence in 10 -16 year old urban girls of Ludhiana, Punjab 2011 20 Gurjeet Kaur Differences in body composition, somatotype and proportionality profiles of urban and rural women of 50 to 80 years 2015 21 Satinder Kaur Body Composition of young Punjabi adults: Anthropometric and Bioelectric Impedance Perspectives. Enrolled 22. Kulvir Singh Ageing among elderly: Morphological, physiological and psychological perspectives. Enrolled Appendix 4. Editorial assignments • Editor-in-Chief of a quarterly research journal “HUMAN BIOLOGY REVIEW” (ISSN 2277 –4424). Journal website: www.HumanBiologyReview.com and www.HumanBiologyJournal.com Inaugural issue released in January 2012. • Associate Editor of Ind. J. of Physical anthropology & Human Genetics, 2004, Lucknow • Member, National Expert Panel on Anthropology to design e-content by NSDL, N.Delhi. • Editor of Human Biology Section of Children’s Encyclopaedia (In Punjabi ). 2006 • Editor of Special volume of the Journal, Vigyan De Naksh (Human Body – Face –to-Face with New inventions), Punjabi Univ., 2002. • Editor of a special volume of Ind. J. of Sports Science and Phys. Educ., 2003, IASSPE, Patiala. • Editor of a special volume of Ind. J. of Physical anthropology & Human Genetics, 2004, Lucknow • Editor of a volume of J. Human Ecology on Body Composition, 2006, Delhi • Member , editorial board, J. Human Ecology, Delhi Appendix 5. Organised the National Conferences and Refresher Courses • Convener, Ist Punjabi University Science Congress, Punjabi University, Patiala, February 28, 2011. • Member Organising Committee, National Conference on Recent Advances in Biological Anthropology, Punjabi University Patiala, March 24-26, 2006. • Organised as Head, Human Biology department, under Multi faculty millennium series of lectures and seminars, a lecture by Prof Inder Mohan Verma , Salk institute, San Diego, USA on 20th July 2001. • Organising Secretary of national seminar entitled “Human Biology at the turn of the millennium”, held at Patiala from Feb 2-4, 1998. • Organising Secretary of national seminar on moral education, held at Budha Dal Public School, Patiala during October 1995. • Member, organising committee of the UGC National Seminar on New Horizons in Human Biology, held at Patiala, Nov, 1989. • Co-ordinator of refresher courses in Human Biology for University and College lecturers, November 2001. • Co-ordinator of refresher courses in Human Biology for University and College lecturers, November 2002. Appendix 6. Membership of Professional Bodies/Organizations Sr. No. Name of professional bodies/Organisations Country 1. International society for advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK) Canada 2. Indian Anthropological Association (IAA) India 3. Indian Science congress association(ISCA) India 4 International Union of Anthropological & Ethnological Sciences International 5. National working group on kinanthropometry (NWGK) India 6. National association of physical education & sports science (NAPESS) India 7. Indian association of sports science and physical education (IASSPE) India Appendix 7. Participation in International and National Conferences, Seminars, Symposia (Selected) INTERNATIONAL Participated and presented two papers in the 16th Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences held at Kunming (People’s Republic of China), 27-31 July, 2009 and also acted as chairperson for the following Sections of the two Sessions: Section 3: Menopause, Diversity and Health of the session Feminization of Ageing And Gender Issues: Asia Region. Section 3 of the Session “Global Variation in Human Growth and Nutrition”. Chaired a session in “International seminar on applications of anthropological researches in human life” organized by The Asiatic Society, Calcutta from January 7-9, 2009. Delivered a plenary lecture on “Talent identification and developmental status” at the Workshop for National Campers CWG 2010 held at NSNIS Patiala on March 26-27, 2009. Chaired a session at International Seminar on Human Biology at Veszprem, Hungary, 1996 and presented a paper. Member of Hungarian Indian Workshop on Human growth, Budapest, 1996, and presented a paper. Chaired a session at International Conference on physical education and sports science at Ludhiana, 1996, and presented a paper. Participated and presented a paper “Somatotypes of some categories of sportsmen” in International Cong of Sports Sciences held at Patiala, Feb 1986. Attended the International Meeting on Genetic Diversity and its maintenance in Tropical Populations, held at Frascati, Rome, Italy, April 1985, under the auspices of International Association of Human Biologists (IAHB), U.K. and took part as an invited member of IAHB. Presented research paper “Genetic differences in physique and morphology of Rajput and Brahmin Gaddis, Himalayas” at Frascati, Rome, Italy, April 1985. As a member of the IUBS Working group on genetic variation in tropical human populations/Decade of the tropics, co-sponsored with IAHB(UK), SSHB(UK) and 2nd University of Rome, took part in the preparation of a proposal for a collaborative programme of research, 1985. Took part in the deliberations to recommend as to what studies should be carried out as part of the “Decade of the Tropics” initiated by IAHB. Finalised proposals on physique and morphology studies to be conducted on tropical populations with special emphasis on Indian groups to be undertaken on International collaboration. Participated and presented a paper “Physical growth of Gaddi Rajputs, Himalayas” in International Symposium held at Punjabi Univ Patiala, Feb 1980. NATIONAL 1. S.P. Singh. 2014. Keynote address in "National Seminar on New Areas of Biological Anthropology" held at NEHU, Shillong, November 19-21, 2014. 2. S.P. Singh. 2014. Invited to act as an expert in "Hands-on Workshop in Kinanthropometry" held at GNDU Amritsar, Dept of Sports Medicine and Physiotherapy on Feb 7-8, 2014. 3. S.P. Singh. 2014. Chairperson in one of the sessions of "National Workshop on Anthropological Perspectives of Bio-Cultural change" held at Dept of Anthropology, Panjab University Chandigarh on March 6-7, 2014. 4. S.P. Singh. 2014. Invited speaker in "North Zone Symposium of Anatomy, CME cum Workshop on Craniofacial Anthropometry" held at Dept of Anatomy, Desh Bhagat Dental College and Hospital Sri Muktsar Sahib on March 8-9, 2014. 5. S.P. Singh. 2014. Visiting Professor at Dept of Anthropology, Panjab University Chandigarh on February 20-28, 2014. 6. Delivered an invited lecture on Child growth at a National Seminar in Dept of Anthropology, Pune University, Pune on March 2013. 7. Co-Chaired a session in National Conference on “Opportunities and Challenges in physical education” organized by the Department of Physical Education, Punjabi University, Patiala from Feb 10-11, 2009. 8. Co-chaired a session in the UGC SAP seminar organized by Department of Anthropology, Panjab University Chandigarh from March 16-17, 2007. 9. Delivered an invited lecture “Technique of body measurements” at the National Workshop on “Sports Training: A multi-displinary approach” organized by Director Sports, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar on March 21-22, 2009.


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