Keyword: height 19 Questions
D. Das and R.K. Gautam January 22, 2022 Child growth and development BMI, height, Malnutrition, NCHS, stunting, Underweight, weight,
O. G. Eiben and G. A. Tóth January 22, 2022 Human growth anaemia, development, growth, growth standards, height, Hungarian childen, secular trends, weight,
S Roy, S Banerjee, S Biswas July 12, 2020 Human growth Anthropometry, growth status, HC, height, MUAC, Munda, weight,
E. Ngaithianven and. R.K. Pathak April 29, 2017 Anthropometry birth weight, BMI, height, maternal weight,
S. Pal and K. Bose January 4, 2017 Child growth and development Anthropometry, BMI, Children, growth, height, weight,
G.C. Mandal, A. Acharya and K. Bose August 4, 2016 Anthropometry BMI, Cephalic index, Head breadth, Head length, height, ICDS children, weight,
K. Bharathi, V.L.N. Rao and S. Kispotta November 7, 2015 Human growth Body Mass Index, height, Thinness, Under-nutrition, weight,
A.K. Singh, A. Jaiswal and M. Elayaraja April 2, 2015 Human Physique Anthropometry, height, ICMR, Somatotype, weight,
G. Kaur, R. Sharma and N. Kaur January 14, 2015 Human growth head circumference, height, Pre-school, upper arm circumference, weight,
A.P. Singh and J. Sekhon December 27, 2014 Nutrition Body Mass Index, height, Nutritional status, School Children, weight,
Physical Growth and Nutritional Status of Children aged 6-8 years of Panchkula city (Haryana), India
I. Talwar and P. Airi October 22, 2014 Human nutrition Anthropometry, Body Mass Index, height, stunting, Undernourished, Wasting, weight,
S. Shome, P. Roy, M. Pal and P.Bharati June 5, 2014 Human variations Adult, BMI, Female, height, Male, Socio-economic factors, States of India, weight,
S. Shome, P. Srimani, A. De (Bose) and P. Bharati March 14, 2014 Child growth and development Eastern region states, height, India, NFHS-3 data, Teenagers, weight,
Navdeep Kaur, Manjula Uppal, Sharda Sidhu July 19, 2012 Human growth Amritsar, Arora, height, pre-school children, weight,
Rajan Gaur, Kiran Saini, Gurpreet Boparai, Suresh Kumar, Richa Airi January 26, 2012 Child growth and development height, Himachal Pradesh, Permanent dentition, Rajput, weight,