Keyword: CIAF 5 Questions
N. Mondal and N. Bharali January 5, 2020 Anthropometry Anthropometry, CIAF, Public Health, Undernutrition,
P. Khanra, S. Biswas and K. Bose January 13, 2019 Human Health Children, CIAF, India, School, Undernutrition, West Bengal,
R Kramsapi, Kh. N Singh, N Mondal February 1, 2018 Anthropometry Anthropometry, Children, CIAF, India, Karbi, Public Health, Tribe, Undernutrition,
R. Thakur and R. K. Gautam November 7, 2015 Human nutrition CIAF, Dietary habit, Standard of living index, stunting, Undernourished, Underweight,
R. Thakur and R.K. Gautam September 30, 2014 Child growth and development BMI, CIAF, stunting, Undernourished, Wasting, Z-Score,