2. Original Scientific Paper Sexual Dimorphism in Human Crania by Craniometry. by P. Singh Abstract Physical Anthropology plays a pivotal role in the knowledge of primate evolution & variations, especially those of humans. The tool used for the study is anthropometry, to be more specific- craniometry, the quest for skull. The purpose of the present study is to compare various craniometric parameters of significant bony landmarks on skull for sex determination. For the study 64 skull were considered (32 male & 32 female), devoid of deformities. The crania were studied from the department of Anthropology, Lucknow university and also from anatomy department, KGMU. Sexual dimorphism is significantly evident in occipital region (bi-occipital breadth, bi-mastoid breadth), bi- auricular region (bi- auricular breadth) for the two sexes. Least differences in the sexes is seen in foramen magnum length – breadth index, for the present study. This is further confirmed by the student’s t tests and p values. Thus, was deciphered, that sexual differences do exists between the two genders, for all the craniometric parameters, and all values are higher for male crania than female crania, except for the foramen magnum index, where differences are the least. Thus, index, although shows distinctions within the sexes, is a weaker parameter for sexual dimorphism. Therefore, it is true that the above parameters can be used to define the sexes of individuals. The result is almost similar to those of previous researchers, except for the bi-mastoid breadth, foramen magnum length and bi- auricular breadth, as these compared parameters show much variability with the present study. Download Complete Article