7. Original Scientific Paper

The secular trend in terms of growth of mid-upper-arm circumference (MUAC) of fullterm, normal birth weight infants of the two sexes, representing Cohort I (Male: 44, Female: 30) born between 1978-1980 and Cohort II (Male: 50, Female: 50) born between 2006-2007 to parents representing upper socio-economic strata, in Chandigarh was longitudinally evaluated as the same so far has not been studied. All babies were enrolled from Labor Room of the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research and subsequently, followed in Growth
Clinic of the Department of Pediatrics. MUAC amongst infants of the two sexes representing both the Cohorts grew uninterruptedly between 1 to 12 months. Cohort I and II male infants in general, possessed larger MUAC than females. However, statistically significant gender differences were recorded for Cohort II infants only at 9 months. The mean MUAC of infants belonging to Cohort II, measured significantly (p≤0.001) greater than Cohort I infants during first year of life. Higher growth attainments recorded for MUAC in Cohort II infants than those of Cohort I speak of existence of progressive secular trend amongst Chandigarh infants over a
period of about three decades.

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