2. Original Scientific Paper

A cross sectional study on 600 women (300 each belonging to urban and rural areas of Punjab) in the age range of 50-80 years is conducted with a view to explore the prevalence of overweight and obesity. For assessment of overweight and obesity the height, weight, waist circumference and hip circumference are taken on each subject using strandard procedures. The prevalence rates are calculated according to the critical limits of body mass index (BMI) and waist hip ratio (WHR). Urban women of present study are found to be obese than their rural counterparts. Urban women have registered more waist circumference (96.25 cm) and hip circumference (95.58cm) than rural women , who have these parameters 88.87 cm and 89.05cm respectively. The mean values for BMI and waist hip ratio (WHR) are more for urban women (26.92 Kg/m2 and 1.007 respectively). According to body mass index (BMI), the prevalence of grade-2-overweight and grade -3-overweight is 29.33%; 1% and 17%;0.66% in urban and rural women, respectively. Similarly the prevalence of central obesity according to waist hip ratio (WHR) cutoffs is 56.66% in urban and 47% in rural women. According to Snehalatha et al.,(2003) cut offs it is concluded that all women of urban and rural area of Punjab have central obesity

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