4. Brief Report

Microscopic examination of the hair medulla was performed on Presbytis monkeys in 6 species. To achieve the purpose 750 hair strands has been taken into consideration. Their medulla can be roughly divided into two types (discontinuous and absent) relative to the structures. Medulla structures revealed similar pattern (absent) among the Prebytis entellus entellus and Presbytis cristatus cristatus, while Presbytis rubicundus and Presbytis senex nestor were found to have only discontinuous medullation pattern. Interestingly, Presbytis johnii, and Presbytis phayrei phayrei demonstrated both the discontinuous and absent medulla pattern but examination on medullary pattern revealed significantly (p<0.05) higher discontinuous medullation among Presbytis phayrei phayrei in comparison to Presbytis johnii. In view of the result of the present study emphasize variation in medullation status in Presbytis johnii, and Presbytis phayrei phayrei than other four species of Presbytis Monkeys.

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