3. Original Scientific Paper

Infant feeding and Breast feeding is universal and it influences the life of maternal and child health. It also influences the demographic determinants. Tribal groups reside in far-flung areas in Hills, Forest, and Desert and in remote villages in India, wherein modern health facilities and scientific awareness is less in general. Therefore to study the Infant and Breast feeding practices among tribal groups is significant to strengthen the rural health system and health education with reference to infant feeding practices.

The main objective of this review-cum research work is to systematize the scattered and important data on Infant and breast feeding practices among tribal groups of India. To know their myths, belief and misconception, good and bad practices to bring it documented for researchers, social scientists, community medical practitioners.
Primary data on tribes of Central India was collected using pre-structured interview schedule. Personal interviews of lactating women followed by focus group discussion was made to verify the quality of the data. Maximum secondary data is scrutinized and systematized from research papers and reports to fulfill the objective.

Generally the new-born are breast-fed for the first time only 24 to 48 hours after birth. In Tribal areas breast feeding is initiated within 6-12 hours. Study shows, 47.9% Tribal mothers breast-fed their children 5-6 times per day followed by 25.5%, 7-8 times during day while 43.1%, 1-2 times and 42.7%, 3-4 times during night. Among the Tribal people various pre-lacteal foods given to infants it can be seen from various studies. The average age of child at starting liquid come out to be 7.0 months. Among the Tribal children the average age of child at starting semisolids/ solids came out to be 8.1 months. The data shows that rural/ tribal women generally are unaware of the antibody and contraceptive properties of breast milk. Working status of mother does not influence the frequency and duration of breast-feeding among Tribes because they always take their children to the work place.

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