5. Original Scientific Paper Beta-Thalassemia and other abnormal Hemoglobin among the Bengalee of Southern West Bengal, India: A study of parametric evaluation of NESTROFT, CBC and HPLC by T. K. Biswas, S. Bhattacharya, D. K. Adak, B.C. Ray and V.R. Rao Abstract Background: Parametric evaluation of the NESTROFT (naked eye single tube red cell osmotic fragility test), CBC (complete blood count), and HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) are the screening tools for detection of beta thalassemia trait and other abnormal hemoglobin. Design and setting: Prospective study. Field camps in various schools and villages of Diamond Harbor, Block-II, South 24 Parganas district, West Bengal. A total of 1200 individuals were examined. Methods: NESTROFT, CBC and HPLC to conform the beta thalassemia trait and other abnormal hemoglobinopathy screened Individuals. Results: Percentage of normal, beta thalassemia trait, HbAE, HbEE and HPFH were found to be 85.16, 8.83, 5.58, 0.17 and 0.25 respectively. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) <70 fl followed NESTROFT closely. Both MCH < 20gm/dl and MCV< 70fl differ significantly from normal value. NESTROFT in combination with MCV < 70 fl and MCH <20 gm/dl proved to pick up the trait or carrier status. However, the combination was not cost effective. Conclusion: NESTROFT and CBC is sensitive, cost effective, rapid and reliable screening test for detection of beta thalassemia trait in a population. On the other hand, HPLC is very much important for the qualitative and quantitative estimation of HbA2 value, which is also used for detection of beta thalassemia trait and other haemoglobinopathies. Download Complete Article