2. Original Scientific Paper Association of body mass index and waist hip ratio with menstrual characteristics: A study among a group of adolescents of Kolkata city. by S. Das and D. Dasgupta Abstract Aim: Overall adiposity (BMI) and centrally distributed body fat (WHR) both are strongly associated with menstrual profile. Present study aims to find out the association of menstrual characteristics with body mass index and waist hip ratio. Methods: A total number of 53 adolescent participants aged between 16 and 24 years were selected from undergraduate college. The participants were divided into five categories on the basis of their body mass index. These are: (1) underweight [BMI<18.5 kg/m2 ]; (2) normal [BMI 18.5–22.9 kg/m2 ]; (3) overweight [BMI 23–24.9 kg/m2 ]; (4) pre-obese [ BMI 25-29.9 kg/m2 ] and (5) obese [BMI ≥30 5 kg/m2]. They were also divided into two categories on the basis of their waist hip ratio: (1) lower body fat predominance [WHR ≤0.85]; (2) upper body fat predominance [WHR > 0.85]. Results: Underweight participants attained menarche at later age compared to obese. Participants with upper body fat predominance attained menarche at an early age than their respective counterpart. Menstrual bleeding length was significantly longer in overweight participants and among those with lower body fat predominance than their respective counterpart. Cycle length was longer among obese or the participants with upper body fat predominance. Conclusion: Body mass index and waist hip ratio of participants were related with menstrual characteristics. Download Complete Article