2. Original Scientific Paper

Dermatoglyphics are the dermal ridge configurations on the digits, palms and soles. They are permanent and inherited. A comparative study of the Dermatoglyphic patterns of patients with primary glaucoma and general healthy population was made to ascertain the value of Dermatoglyphics as a diagnostic tool for primary glaucoma. Fifty-seven primary glaucoma patients (24 males, 33 females) and fifty normal healthy persons (25 males, 25 females) participated in this study. In the present study primary glaucoma subjects were examined in terms of dermatoglyphic characteristics and compared with that of controls. Frequency of loops was decreased in primary glaucoma but in case of whorls and arch increased numbers. Deviation is also observed in a-b ridge count and atd angle. In general tfrc and afrc also increased. These can be considered as useful as a supportive investigation and to some extent knowing the prediction for primary glaucoma.

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