Instructions for contributors
Open access policy of the journal
Human Biology Review is an open access journal which provides all information free of cost to its users. The users can freely download, copy, read, print and search links for full texts of articles and research papers.
Free of cost publication
Human Biology Review provides a free of cost platform for publication to authors. Nobody is charged either for submission of papers, evaluation or publication of their articles in the journal.
Periodicity of the journal
The journal will be a quarterly publication. Human Biology Review shall have four issues per year to be published in January, April, July and October every year. The four issues of the journal in a year will make one volume.
Journal policy
The journal will uphold the following basic principles for all the concerned parties:
- The Publishers, authors and the editors will respect mutual privacy.
- The authors will hold the copyright of their materials which will be published in the journal. It is the result of their intellectual acumen, hard work and efforts over which they have their full rights. The journal only publishes their materials and doesn’t hold copyright of their materials.
- The reviewers and editors assigned to a manuscript will get a free hand to review and process the papers without any interference from the publishers or any other personnel thus providing them with complete independence.
- The research ethics require the authors to state the information about the research process, about conflict of interest between the parties concerned, information about research funding, institutional affiliations, etc.
- The editors, publishers and Editor-in- Chief will not interfere in the process of peer review of the papers thus providing complete independence to the peer review members.
- The journal will strive hard to publish the original work of the authors. Spurious research will not be entertained and if suspected paper is found, it will be withdrawnfrom the journal resources. The journal invites comments and information about the authenticity of published papers from any quarters. The journal is committed to help the parties investigating suspected research/papers which may have been published mistakenly. The corrections and withdrawals of papers will be done if detected later on.
Fields of research
It is devoted to the broader theme of biological variations among human populations ultimately reflecting on their health and in the context of ethnic, social and economic situations. It focuses on research in all fields of biological anthropology including human genetics, human growth, body composition, biotechnological advances, human physique, demography, human origins and evolution, population variations, genomics, kinanthropometry, human ecology, human nutrition, health perspectives and all other related areas. The bodily adaptations made by different human populations to procreate and survive in different ecological situations are important in determining the future course of the human race.
The Editorial Board
Eminent scientists from different fields of Human Biology and Anthropology from world over constitute the editorial board. It is earnestly hoped that the members of the editorial board will participate in the process of publication of the materials by reviewing the manuscripts and also by contributing their own research findings. Besides, they are also invited to give their suggestions to improve the quality of the journal. The scientific colleagues all over the world including those from the editorial board would be requested to participate in the peer review process of the papers to be published. Maintenance of a very high standard of the published papers will depend mainly on the efforts of the reviewers. Without the active support of the scientific community, the publication of the journal cannot be imagined.
Editorial Office
The following is the address of the editorial office. Concerned parties may contact us.
Professor S.P. Singh is the Editor-in- Chief of the journal.
Address: # 4045, Urban Estate, Phase -2,
Patiala -147002.
Manuscript specifications
Kindly submit all your communications in one file in the WORD format at the following website of the journal; You may also submit your paper at the following email ID:
The manuscripts should be limited to 2 MB. Authors are advised to prepare their manuscripts as per the guidelines given here.
Materials for publication
The journal welcomes the publication of the following:
- Original Papers on Current and Ongoing Research
- Short Communications highlighting new findings
- Review Articles on important research issues
- Book Reviews
- News and Views
- Announcements of conferences and Professional Bodies
- Relevant and Interesting Information
A research paper shall have the following format which includes a
- Title Page
- Introduction to the research problem,
- Review of the relevant Literature,
- Material and Methods,
- Results,
- Discussion,
- Conclusions,
- Acknowledgements, References, Appendixes.
The title page should include the complete title of the paper, the names of all the authors, the authors’ institutional affiliation along with the address(s) and their email ID(s). A running header of the title of 50 characters, about 5-7 key words and an abstract of about 250 words should also be given.
All the quoted materials must be given in the list of references arranged alphabetically. The references should be written and checked methodically so as to include every small character such as a comma, full stop and for maintaining a proper sequence of the materials.
The authors’ names followed by the year of publication, title of the paper, abbreviation of the journal, volume and pages should be given as follows. The surname of the authors should be followed by the initials of the first name and the middle names.
Hunley KL,Spence JE,Merriwether DA. 2008. The impact of group fissions on genetic structure in native South America and implications for human evolution. Am J Phys Anthropol 135: 195-205.
Bogin B. 2001. The growth of humanity. Wiley-Liss, New York.
Chapter of a Book
Gruner O.1993. Identification of skulls: A historical review and practical applications. In: Iscan MY, Helmer RP, editors. Forensic analysis of the skull. Wiley-Liss, New York. p 29-45.
Abbreviations of a journal should be a standard one. You may get the help of Pubmed for finding the standard abbreviations of the journals.
Peer Review Process
Peer review of the manuscripts is an important process for maintaining the standard of the journal therefore the management of the journal welcomes the academic colleagues joining us as referees and appreciates the work they had done and would be doing. The journal would strive hard to maintain a system of refereeing to evaluate the manuscripts. Since the process of peer review is not possible without the help of the scientific fraternity, therefore, the help of the authors is solicited in this process. They are requested to suggest four or five referees to assess and evaluate their work.
The original papers, short communications and Review articles will be sent to two referees for review. Satisfactory and positive comments of both the referees are required for the publication of the manuscripts. In case of a positive and a negative report, the paper will be sent to the third referee. Only in case of a positive report by the third referee, the paper will be published.
The scientists suggested by the authors should be from their broad fields of research that are well known in their subjects. It must be kept in mind that the suggested referees should be from any country. The only exception is that the authors should not suggest referees from their own institutions. Contact information about the referees which includes the email ID and institutional affiliation should be provided by the authors.
It is a single blind peer review process. The reviewers know the authors but the authors don’t know the reviewers.
The authors are morally bound to help in keeping the review process unbiased and confidential. Therefore it is strongly advised that the authors themselves should not contact the suggested referees. The journal will choose any two referees out of the list and would contact them for the review process. If the review process is getting delayed, the Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board has the right to send the manuscript to other experts from the resources of the journal or any other expert even from outside as they may deem so in the best interest of the journal.
The authors shall be informed through email the status of their paper. After the review process, the authors shall be informed whether the paper has been accepted, rejected or sent for revision.
The accepted papers would be queued up for publication in the forthcoming issue(s).
Agreements by the contributors
The contributors shall comply with the following conditions;
A) Copyrights
It is understood that all submitted materials intended for publication have not been published earlier and have neither been sent for publication anywhere else. The authors will hold copyright of their published materials.
B) Declaration
The authors are required to certify the following while submitting their papers:
- I have participated sufficiently in the preparation, design of this work and writing of the manuscript. Neither the submitted manuscript nor one with substantially similar content has been submitted to any other journal and I take full responsibility of it.
- Upon request, I shall produce the data contained in the manuscript to the editor for examination.
- The submitted version of the manuscript has been reviewed and has received approval of all the co-authors including the sequence of co-authors.
- In case of experimental studies on humans and animals, institutional ethical clearance is necessary. The authors are required to make a declaration regarding any such ethical clearance obtained from the competent authority and refer it in the paper.
- The material submitted is free of plagiarism.
- Upon request, I will send a printed copy of this declaration duly signed by post to the Editor-in- Chief.
The authors will own the full responsibility of the contents of the submitted materials. The journal, the Editor-in- Chief, the members of the Editorial Board, the publishers and the management of the journal are not, in any way, responsible for the materials submitted to the journal and therefore dissociate from the statements, contents and the opinions expressed by the authors. Authors are strongly advised against any form of plagiarism. Plagiarized articles or papers will be immediately removed from the web site of the journal.
C) Ethical clearance
In case of experimental studies on humans and animals, institutional ethical clearance is necessary. The authors are required to make a declaration regarding any such ethical clearance obtained from the competent authority and refer it in the paper.