2. Original Scientific Paper A follow-up study of Mother’s participation to learning and nutritional rehabilitation centers (LNRC) and malnourished child care in Côte d’Ivoire: Lesson from a pilot project in a countryside by Z. E. Guehi and O. Howélé Abstract Aim: The object of this study is to check the hypothesis that there is a correlation between mothers participation to learning and nutritional rehabilitation and the evolution of weighing gain of their children diagnosed with malnutrition in five villages in the suburbs of Korhogo. Methods: The study integrated 644 children aged from 6 to 59 months and their mothers supported by a tribal care based upon learning and nutritional rehabilitation centers. The Statistical analyzes included Kruskal-Wallis comparison tests, Nemenyi’s post-hoc tests (Tukey and Kramer) and Spearman’s rank correlation test. Results: The outcomes show a serious participation of mothers (62%) in the 12 training and sensitization sessions and a median increase gain of malnourished children between 80 and 300g during the care taking. Spearsman correlation test show that weighing gain are deeply linked to (p-value˂0,05) mothers participation to LNRC. Conclusion: Mothers nutritional training and community sensitization are possible conditions on the improvement in the weight status of children suffering from under-nutrition in countrysides. Download Complete Article