6. Original Scientific Paper

Life expectancy at birth (LEB) is not only a summary measure of mortality but also an accepted indicator for the development of a country. The estimates of expectation of life at birth are provided by the Sample Registration System (SRS) only at the national level and major states. However, the estimates of LEB at the district level are not available. Due to an insufficiency of vital and demographic data, life expectancy is difficult to estimate in the district. Thus, the technique of indirect estimation is the only way to estimate life expectancy at birth at the district level. Analyzed results revealed that for males (females) 18 (11) % of the districts have LEB below 60 years, 20(27) % between 60-65 years and 30 (62) % above 65 years amongst the 190 districts of the selected states of India. It is believed that the findings of the result will also help the policy makers to formulate various effective programmes in reducing the mortality rates for those districts with less LEB.

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