4. Original Scientific Paper A Comparative Study of Differential Fertility among the Pnars and the Sakacheps in Meghalaya by J. Kropi, Kh. N. Singh and R. Khongsdier Abstract The present is the outcome of the cross-sectional study carried out among the Pnars and Sakacheps of Saitsama village in Jaintia Hills district of Meghalaya.The main objective of the study is to find out whether or not differential fertility exists between the Pnar and Sakachep communities living in the same ecological niche, and to identify how socioeconomic factors are associated with differential fertility in these two communities. Demographic data using structured schedules were collected, which included reproductive performances of 112 Pnar women and 85 Sakachep women.It was found that the mean ages at marriage (± SE) among the Pnars and Sakachep women were 19.25 ± 0.25 and 19.29 ± 0.33 years, respectively. The completed family size (± SE) was 7.55±0.47 live-births per mother among the Pnars and 7.71±0.59 live-births per mother among the Sakacheps. The total fertility rate was 6.75 among the Pnars and 6.25 among the Sakacheps; whereas the mean number of live-births (± SE) to all married women was found to be 4.79±0.30 and 4.99±0.31, respectively. The result indicated that both the communities experienced high fertility rate. The adoption of family planning was also low. It is found that the effects of household income and mother’s education were more pronounced in case of the Pnars as compared to that of the Sakacheps. So it is expected that fertility rates among the Pnars would be reduced considerably with the improvement in their socioeconomic conditions. Such an assumption may not, however, be the same for the Sakacheps as other socio-cultural factors may play an important role in regulating fertility rates among them. Download Complete Article